Fun Facts About Fireflies!

An Introduction of Green Lacewings

Lady Beatles

Mysteries of the Dragonfly and Damselfly


Carolina Praying Mantis


Bronze fennel is the host butterfly plant for the Eastern black swallowtail butterfly. The caterpillars feed on the fennel until time for the metamorphosis.

In our area, we don’t tend to see Eastern black swallowtails until a little later in the summer. But they will come. It’s not too late to plant their host plants. While they like fennel best, the caterpillars will also feed on curly parsley, dill, and carrot tops; anything in the carrot family. To purchase the full list of host plants for butterflies within our Raleigh and Ecosystem 231, click HERE.


It is possible to see monarchs in the Raleigh area in July, but we are more likely to see a bunch of them in the fall as they migrate south again. Have you planted your milkweed?