Progress!!! It is starting to be visible now. To those who regularly walk the gardens, we’d like to hear from you! We have been opening the street view, which we have written about. This week, Art and I limbed up some trees to let in more light. We want to plant more native pollinators plants.
When I stopped by today (Saturday) to see the progress the Gardeners of Wake County made during their monthly volunteer get-together this morning, I was so impressed! Wow, oh wow! What a fine job they do helping us with garden maintenance—even construction-type projects.
This month, the volunteers finished putting one of the arbors (they brought the materials) and set the post for the other. Chris thought he would be able to complete the project in the next couple of weeks.
New arbor built by volunteers from the Gardeners of Wake Cointy
Chris and I walked the property Thursday to see what projects the GWC could help us with. This smartweed, Polygonum sp. was one. I’m not so sure why it’s called smartweed. Knotweed is another name for it.
One of the big areas we wanted to address with the volunteers was the front side garden below.
The volunteers worked in this area to clear it ourt and transplant daylilies and ferns to other parts of the garden.
Transplanted ferns.
Below is the triangle in the back. Slowly Nell and I have been adding plants there. So far, we have added iris and Phlox ‘Minnie Pearl’. The GWC weeded it and also moved some peonies to this area.
Beyond what Art and I did Thursday opening up The Joslin Garden, we had a tree come down and it took a large shrub with it.
The Gardeners of Wake County move a lot of the fallen tree but didn’t have time to remove it all. I asked my husband, David, to let us volunteer to take down the rest.
And here it is…
Until soon,
Helen Yoest
Environmental Scientist. M.S.