The Joslin Garden—Meet Some of Our Superstar Volunteers—4-15-21
The Joslin Garden has a major following, and a much loved Nature garden where neighbors and regulars walk freely with their leashed dog, admire the vistas, and literally smell the roses. The #JoslinGarden is a gem in the center of Raleigh.
In addition, we have steady group of volunteers to dedicate their time once a week to help out in the 4+ acre PACKED property. We would love for YOU to join us!
Today, I want honor these individuals who not only have help out, but are are all becoming friends.
A see of Green & Gold, Chrysogonum virginianum
Volunteer Art potting up plenty for the plants for our sale on Earth Day, April 22nd.
Beautiful iris
Volunteers Beth & Ailene
A sea of May Apples, Podophyllum peltatum and Trillium
Volunteer Nell Joslin watering the recent pot ups for the plant sale.
Look at the size of this trillium!
Chris, our Executive Director, was out today potting up plants, as was I. I think we are in good shape. So looking forward to Thursday April 22, 2021 EARTH DAY!
Helen Yoest, MS Environmental Scientist
Horticultural Specialist