Cutting down on plastic has been on many of our minds, and many have hoped for a substitute. Beeswax cotton wraps entered the market place, offering a great alternative, and they are reusable. But have you checked the prices? A few materials, and you can custom-make beeswax cotton wraps to with old cotton shirts or even just a trip to the fabric store for remnant fabrics.
Plastic contains toxic pollutants resulting in an environmental impact that has spread to land, water, and air. When used to store or heat food, plastic leaches toxins such as BPA, bisphenol A, an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins since the 1960s. Remember in the movie, The Graduate, Mr. McGuire says to Ben, "I just want to say one word to you, just one word, PLASTICS… There's a great future in plastics.” And now here we are sixty years later, and I'm wondering who was the better seducer, Mrs. Robinson or Mr. McGuire!
We can do our part by eliminating plastic wrap for an eco-friendly option.
The convenience of using baggies may be challenging to replace, but it's a habit like everything else. Making change is always tricky, but knowing we are doing your part—without breaking the bank—will keep us motivated.
Beeswax wraps are great for wrapping cheese, covering dishes, or folding into snack bags, and yes, even wrapping your sandwich. Beeswax cotton wraps provide a safe and effective alternative. Beeswax is 100% natural, non-toxic, and relatively inexpensive. Beeswax is also water-repellent and has natural antibacterial properties. When beeswax is applied to a light cotton, it renders the cloth unbreathable, which helps maintain the proper moisture content when storing food.
When choosing your fabric, use 100% cotton; the ideal thickness is thin, such as the cotton found bedsheets, and indeed these materials can be cut and used.
Beeswax cotton wrap materials
Beeswax, grated (or pellets). You'll need about 0.5 oz. of beeswax per wrap
100% cotton fabric, cut to the appropriate size, such as 12×12" or 8×8."
Cookie sheet
Cheese grater
A make-shift clothesline and clothespins
Preheat oven to 200ºF; Higher will burn the wax
Grate beeswax
Place pre-cut fabric on a cookie sheet
Sprinkle grated beeswax evenly and lightly over the pre-cut fabric. You don't need a lot!
Place in a preheated oven. Observe! This should take 5 minutes or less
Once beeswax is melted, remove from the oven.
Spread wax evenly with a paintbrush to cover over any spots not yet coated.
Hang on a clothesline with clothes pegs to dry. Once cooled, you can use it!
If your wax starts to harden before you have evenly spread it, reheat it in the oven and try again
This recipe uses less than 1 oz. of beeswax per sheet
If you have a lot of wax left on the cookie sheet, place another piece of fabric on the empty cookie sheet, and it will absorb the extra wax
All of the supplies except the beeswax can be purchased inexpensively at craft stores or online and can be used again for other DIY projects involving beeswax
To keep clean, wash in cold water with a mild soap.
Each wrap will last several months or more depending on usage, and can be reworked again and again!