February 2024—Bee Better Naturally with Helen Yoest


No sooner than I’m back from Iceland on January 1st, I leave for South Africa on February 8th. It’s just the way it turned out. As such, I will only be in the Bee Better Naturally Teaching Garden half-time this February, and not even that since I will spend half of that time on Emerald Isle. That works for me, though, since I had no major winter projects. Returning on the 24th to dig in for spring will be fun!

And it would seem I brought back Icelandic weather with me! The second week of January was rebelliously cold, waking up to the mid-teens! But the days were sunny, so working outside in the low to mid-40s was OK…once you got going!

Garden Maintenance…

Here’s a picture of my personal nemesis invasive plant. When I moved into my home in 1997, it was EVERYWHERE. I slowly focused on eradicating it—Porcelain vine, Ampelopsis brevipedunculata. The porcelain vine was Introduced to North America as an ornamental plant. Habit: Deciduous, woody, perennial vine; climbs up to 20 ft or greater; twines with the help of non-adhesive tendrils that occur opposite the leaves. Birds love it and spread the seeds far and wide!

In the Bee Better Naturally with Helen Yoest, we aren't all native! Over the 25 years I've gardened there, I've eradicated several of the worst invasive. It was a challenge, but I was determined! Hopefully, you don't grow any of these intentionally! 

There's not much hands-on maintenance this month since I’m spending 2.5 weeks away in a short month as it is!

My List of Winter Clean Up!

1) Take down vermiculture, built from 12 cinder blocks. Funny, it was a lot easier making this box by carrying each block to the far end of the property and it was to remove them half distance to where they are now being stored. One and Done.

2) Cleaned out lean-to. This area has a roof that extends off the shed. We don’t have a garage, so this area comes in handy. And just like a garage, it becomes a place for junk! Done until junk piles up again! But hopefully this winter clean up, with the kids mostly gone, particularly Aster, this is a One and Done!

3) Removed eight pallets from this area. My son dropped them of for what ever reason, and I became stuck with it. At first when it was one or two, I could cut them up for fire wood, but I now don’t have that many winters left. Ha! One and Done! We are not a no pallet zone. At one time, I didn’t mind having them because I used them as firewood. But they started piling up faster than I could use! One and Done!

4) Painted the Family Room a sunflower yellow. One and Done! at least until the next 20 years!

5) Move bricks stored on one side of the house to an area where I store stuff. This is the same area where the cinder blocks landed. One and Done!

6) There was a lot of erosion from the storm. Worked on that cleanup. Who knows if I’m done!

7) Weeded Mixed Border to ready for mulch. Ongoing.

8) Added composted leaf mulch to the Mixed Border. Yearly. My friend Nathalie helped me get the last of it down.

9) Cut back acanthus leaves after the hard freeze. Yearly. See pics below.

10) Finally, I laid the last two pine straw bales from October. They were added to the Back 40 ft. where the acanthus leaves were composted in place. One and Done!

11) Added a ‘Budd’s Yellow’ dogwood to the south side and a ‘Soft Caress’ mahonia to the mixed border. One and Done!

12) Photographed the Mixed Border from a ladder so I have a better vantage point to make a design drawing. One and Done!

13) I worked on a mixed border design drawing. One and Done!

14) Cleaned accumulated junk from the back porch—coolers from Christmas, five-gallon buckets from godknowswhy, and just stuff. One and Done until more junk accumulates…see lean-to above.

15) Greatly removed Acorus along the Mixed Border steps. Maybe more. It likes to spread.

16) Filled in areas where the Acorus was with ‘Nana” dwarf mondo. One and Done!

17) Five one-man stones were added to the south side of the mixed border. There was a lot of washout from the storm. The Bee Better Teaching Garden has never seen such a mess. One and Done!

18) Cleaned out the coop, a twice-a-month duty.

19) Transplanted a Camellia sasanqua 'Shishi Gashira’ from the front to the Mixed Border. One and Done!

20) Coiled up electrical cords that were used for Christmas Lights. One and Done…until Christmas next year, maybe.

21) Slowly weeding front of the hen bit to feed my girls. A spring delight!

22) Staining the Tobacco Stick fence. Every couple of years.

23) Worked on drainage.

24) Nathalie also helped me with the edging. this wasn’t the first time she helped with this.

25) Dug up acanthus in the raspberry patch. I’m unsure how they got there, but I removed about 50 usable roots!

26) I gathered bagged leaves from the street to use as cover in the Back 40 (ft.) insitu compost area.

I even moved the kitchen sink! Literally! An old cast iron sink, really cool, actually, was stored in our crawl space. We moved it over from when we lived in Oakwood. I pulled it out to use. I hoped we could have used it when we needed a new sink, but the backsplash was higher than the window. One and Done!

Back (40 ft) —As designed, the back 40 ft. is a mellow gardening spot, especially in the winter. The design is such that no maintenance is required, not even any pruning or cutting back of herbaceous plants. For mulch, I added leaves collected from other homes where they left bags of leaves curbside. As I get older, I find my 1/2 acre garden is getting larger ;) Having a landscaped bed to care for itself is beneficial.

Gazebo Corner—Formally the home of a vermiculture bed, I took it down during the pre-South Africa travels. I wasn’t using it, but more importantly, when I first installed it, kitchen scrapes were added to feed the little buggers. But since I got chickens in 2010, all of our chicken scraps go to the girls!

Epimedium Patch—My rabbits favor epimediums, this is a plant touted as rabbit-resistant! It’s not! Ugh!

The buds hang unopened, but when the do, it’s worth the waste. You can see the yellow showing, so sweet smells will follow.

Wildflower Patch—

Wildflower Patch Extension—

Mixed Border—I’ve continued to work this Border. I had a setback with a major storm in early January. The Mixed Border was hit with erosion, which has never happened before. There is a lot of wash in the front garden, too, but that’s a different story. The Joslin Garden lost a couple of big trees, causing all sorts of problems; I’m still cleaning up all that!

South Side—The South Side is sporting new art! I learned about Anne Terry from my friend, Ailene. Anne is a potter, instructor, and lovely person. So is her mom ;) I’m getting the pieces as they are available since I’m in no hurry; no reason to rush art! She will be done with just a few more pieces and a top!

Ostrich Fern Patch—I added a few more here.

Fountain Garden—

Food Forest Extension—

We don’t have a lot of daff. This one bloomed 1/25/24

Food Forest—

The Parterre—

The River Bed/Muscadine/Raspberry—Pegged five canes to root. These new plants will extend further down the bed.

The Chimney Swift Tower—

The Front Entrance Garden==

Pollinator Bed—Organic hardwood mulch was added to cover leaves. (Getting ready for Garden Party)

North Side—With the cold weather, cutting back the acanthus foliage is necessary. As the weather warms, the foliage will return. The cutbacks are easy when using a bread knife.!

North Side after cut backs.

The Rock Garden—

The Girl’s Garden—

Mixed Border

The Coop—

The Pond—

SNAKES: Wondering what snake is in your backyard? Click HERE for an easy id.


Until soon,



The Mixed Border: An Enduring Garden Style

The Mixed Border sign above is from the JCRA. I’m looking to get one for the Bee Better Naturally garden.

As gardeners move forward, we learn techniques to better our lives and our views. I have been transitioning my perennial border to the mixed border for the last five years. I don’t like to rush into these matters, and I didn’t want to fill my bed with just anything, so it took time to research and source the plants. I wanted style and year-round interest—this interest is what’s best for having a mixed border.

As time went by, the perennial border in the Bee Better Teaching Garden welcomed shrubs to fulfill the goal of transforming the herbaceous bed into a mixed border. I did this over five years, with perennials moving to other garden areas and adding low-growing shrubs each year.

A mixed border combines annuals, perennials, trees, and shrubs that skirt a wall, walkway, or fence. Here are suggested steps for creating this type of garden.

Mixed borders can take on many forms, from large-sized plantings like trees and tall grasses to small-sized ones, which is my approach. It’s all site-dependent. My design rule is that the further from the house the plants should and could be, the larger they should and could be. And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that a mixed border can also be an island bed, with larger plantings in the center area and lower growing plants closer to the edge.

My mixed border is right off our back patio. There are trees in the beds (there is a long bed and a short bed, separated by rock steps through the area.) Once you reach the top of the steps, I call this area the upper garden. I didn’t want too many large plantings screening out the upper garden; plus, the scale of taller plantings wasn’t necessary since the border is viewed up close.

But more importantly, when I looked out the Kitchen window in the winter months, I wanted to see more than cold climate annuals and mulch.

Getting Started – Planning Your Border

A mixed border is simply a defined planting area, oftentimes with a backdrop of a hedge or fence, before the lawn begins. We chose to hedge ours with a row of boxwoods. Designing a mixed border allows you to create attractive planting displays, helps to add color, and gives the bed year-round interest.

You can begin from scratch or transform an existing garden, which can be done over time as resources become available.

If time allows, say you want to prepare the bed in the summer for fall planting. I recommend using landscapers’ paint to lay out the design you want to see. Add cardboard and cover this area with a good four inches of mulch. I prefer a composted leaf mulch. This way, not tilling is needed, destroying soil structure. The natural microbes and earthworms will do the work for you.

The concept of the right plant and right place can’t be emphasized enough and is often seen in my writings. With this concept, your plantings are more climate resilient and reduce costs through plant health problems dying and disappointment.

But remember, plants die, and it is not necessarily your fault.

Plant List in the Bee Better Naturally Teaching Garden—Morning sun, afternoon shade.

Abelia, Abelia × grandiflora ‘Frosty’

Acorus, Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’

Adam’s Needle, Yucca filamentosa


Anise,  Illicium parviflorum ‘Florida Sunshine’ 

Anise, Illicium floridanum ‘Woodland Ruby’

Arborvitae Fern, Selaginella braunii

Azalea, Rhododendron ‘Gibraltar’

Bear’s Breeches, Acanthus mollis

Beardtongue, Penstemon digitalis

Boxwood, Buxus sempervirens ‘Highlander’

Boxwood ‘Gordo’, Buxus x ‘Conrowe’

Camellia, Camellia sasanqua 'Cleopatra'

Canna, Canna glauca

Cast Iron, Aspidistra elatior

Celedine Poppy, Stylophorum diphyllum

Cherry, Prunus avium ‘Stella’

Christmas Ferns, Polystichum acrostichoides

Climbing Rose, Rosa spp.

Columbine, Aquilegia canadensis

Cone Flower, Echinacea purpurea

Coral Bells, Heuchera villosa

Crape Myrtle, Lagerstroemia indica ‘Zuni’

Crinkle-root, not this!?!? What is it

Crocus, Crocus tommasinianus 

Daphne, Daphne odora, variegated

Distylium, Distylium ‘Swing Low'

Dwarf Fothergilla, Fothergilla gardenii 'Mount Airy'

Dwarf Mondo, Ophiopogon japonicus

Edgeworthia, Edgeworthia chrysantha

Evergreen Solomon’s Seal, Disporopsis pernyi

Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea

Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare

Flowering Apricot, Prunus mume ‘Bridal Veil’

Green and Gold, Chrysogonum australe 'Eco Lacquered Spider'

Germander, Teucrium chamaedrys

Gingers, Asarum spp.

Joe-Pye Weed, Eupatorium dubium ‘Little Joe’

Ivy-leaved Cyclamen, Cyclamen hederifolium

Japanese Aralia, Fatsia japonica

Japanese Maple, Acre shirasawanum ‘Autumn Moon’

Japanese Maple, Acer palmatum 'Shishigashira'

Japanese Roof Iris, Iris tectorum

Celandine, ????

Little Brown Jug, Hexastylis arifolia 

Lilac, Syringa × ‘Boomerang’

Lily, Lilium formosanum

Meadow Sage, Salvia pratensis

Meadow Sage, Salvia pratensis

Needle, Yucca filamentosa

Oakleaf Hydrangea, Hydrangea quercifolia ’Ruby Slippers’

Pomegranate, Punica granatum

Rohdea variegated, Rohdea japonica, variegated.

Shasta Daisy, Leucanthemum maximum

St. Joh’s Wort, Hypericum patvlum

Strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa

Sweet Box, Sarcococca confusa

Tall Asters, Aster tataricus

Tree peony, Paeonia suffruticos

Pomegranate, Punica granatum

Rohdea variegated, Rohdea japonica, variegated.

Viburnum, Viburnum davidii × tinus ‘Moonlit Lace’

Viburnum, Viburnum obovatum ‘Raulston Hardy’

Viburnum ???

Virginia Sweetspire, Itea virginica

Which hazel, Hamamelis virginiana

White Wood Aster, Eurybia divaricata

Wintergreen, Gaultheria procumbens

Yew, Taxus spp.

January 2024—Bee Better Naturally Naturally with Helen Yoest

Let us welcome 2024. Are you hoping for more…or less? I’m hoping for less…It seems like I’ve had too many medical issues in 2023. I’m good, but I want to be gooder in 2024!

Since 2008, I’ve written my annual '“I’m Gonna, “so why should this year be any different? In the past, I always registered ten and followed them, if you can believe it. Since I’ve grown wiser in the last 16 years, I think I only have the focus to write four for 2024; here we go:

Monarchs in their Mexican winter habitat.

After Christmas through New Year 2024, Lily spent six days in Iceland. It was beyond expectations, and we had those very high!

1) Travel more. My last trip was to see the monarch butterflies in their winter habitat in February 2020. Well, that was before Iceland last month. I plan to do more in 2024.

The winter views are the islands best!

2) Continue going to EI every other weekend. I love it down there. I love it here!

3) Continuing to refine the Mixed Border.

4) Spend more time studying ecology and conservation.

I’ve been busy getting winter projects done. It feels good doing so!

Beautiful, but can’t remember which one it is!

Back (40 ft) North to South & Back (4 ft) South to North

Gazebo Corner—no photo

Epimedium Patch—Epimediium spp.

Mixed Border—Wintergreen, Gaultheria procumbens

Mixed Border before mulch.

Wildflower Patch—no photo

Wildflower Patch Extension—no photo

South Side—Fatsia japonica

Ostrich Fern Patch, Matteuccia struthiopteris

Fountain Garden- no photo

Food Forest Extension—no photo

Food Forest—American beauty berry, Callicarpa americana

Celeste fig buds in the Food Forest

The Parterre—no photo

The River Bed/Muscadine/Raspberry—no photo

The Chimney Swift Tower—no photo

The Front Entrance Garden—no photo

Pollinator Bed & North Side

Rock Garden, photo taken from the back

The Girl’s Garden—The new six girls should be laying by next month. I got them on August 28th. They were four weeks old. I never had these breeds, but in the past breeds, I start getting eggs at about five months.

The Pond

SNAKES: Wondering what snake is in your backyard? Click HERE for an easy id.


Until soon,



Four Goals For Every Garden

Our natural world is changing and we can help. At times it may seem hopeless, but doing nothing only worsens our nature. We can each make a difference.

I have yet to speak with anyone who hasn’t witnessed declines in bird, bee, and butterfly populations visiting their home habitat. Through my decades as a wildlife gardener, particularly gardening for the birds, bees, and butterflies, I’ve welcomed a wide range of other species, such as anoles, frogs, black snakes, and beneficial insects to feed in my garden. Today, I’ve have fewer and fewer visitor. I can only imagine how much fewer others have experienced who haven’t dedicated decades to the cause. It’s not to late to start.

Habitat loss is the leading cause of species decline today. We need to think of our talents as conservationist and ecologist.

Conservation is the interdisciplinary fields that draws on principles from environmental sciences to achieve objectives, focusing on the preservation of endangered species and their natural habitats.

Ecology is primarily concerned with understanding the interactions between living organisms and their individual environments, examining the relationships among species and how they influence their surroundings.

Both studies are rooted in a concern for natural climates and addressing environmental challenges. They each recognize the importance of preserving biodiversity. I’ve spent a lifetime studying and practicing such habits in my home garden.

My journey began when my husband and I purchased our family home in 1997. Practicing these principles started decades before, but I’ve put down roots in this Raleigh home and garden, enabling me to track changes since that time.

I started by adding the four elements for a wildlife habitat: food, water, cover, and places to raise young. That was the easy part, but the best practice was eliminating the use of pesticides, whether organic or manufactured. I never used a lot, but marketing will get to you. Scare tactics are used causing fear of everything outside.

There is a better way. If you consider the four ecological goals for a better garden, you will make a garden that will make a difference:

1) Planting the plants that are good at supporting pollinators, year round—We are so lucky to garden year round in our area. It’s easy to have a pollinator plant blooming anytime of the year.

2) Providing energy for the food web—Food webs are defined by their biomass. Biomass is the energy in living organisms. Autotrophs, the producers in a food web, produce its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals.  Good at building their tissues out of carbon, and holding it within their structures, out of harm’s way

3) Remove carbon from the atmosphere—Planting plants that are good at sharing some of the energy they have harnessed from the sun with the local animals that run our ecosystems. If the crops are burned in a power plant to produce electricity, and the carbon dioxide from the smoke is captured and stored underground, carbon would be moved out of the atmosphere. Planting forest and trees and managing existing forest can help take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

4) Manage the watershed in which they lie—Yes, even our homes! The watershed is the area of land that drains or sheds water into a specific receiving waterbody, such as a lake or a river. As rainwater or melted snow runs downhill in the watershed, it collects and transports sediment and other materials and deposits them into the receiving waterbody. In my home garden, I have all my water diverted so that it goes through the ground first. You will improve water quality by controlling soil erosion, filtering pollutants, reducing water usage, and thus, reducing water bills.

We can all take small steps in our daily lives to make a positive impact on our local environment. I would begin with the simplest of tasks—providing food, water, cover, and places to raise young.

2023 October Sustainable Garden Stewardship Practices for the Southeast

I can’t believe it’s October already; but don’t we say that about every month from August on!

Our first hurricane of the season; Dorian. On the 5th of September, I buttoned down the Flower & Garden Show at the fair grounds and in the Bee Better Beaching Garden. As best I could, I removed all projectiles.

2023 September Garden Sustainable Stewardship

It’s time to shake things up. I will be doing my first 1/2 marathon with a few of my friends. I will be walking. On Monday, August 7th I started training. I’ve never walked more than five miles at any given time, but I know I can do it. I will be practicing, though.

1/2 Emerald Isle Marathon route

During the third week in September, I will work with Maximillian XS Thomas, video producer and editor, to build an online three-hour sustainable garden seminar. I will also be giving this seminar in person on October 21st.

I was excited to learn my book will be released on May 28, 2024!

My boss, Lauren, and I at Kathryn’s Bistro for our second annual Emerald Isle gathering! We had dinner afterwards where I got to meet Adam, her husband, and their precious son, Miles!


The Back 40 (ft) North to South

The Back 40 (ft) South to North

Gazebo Corner

The Epimedium Patch

Spring Ephemeral Patch Extension, formally The Wildflower Patch Extension

Spring Ephemeral patch, formally The Wildflower Patch

The Southside

The Ostrich Fern Garden

The Front Fountain Garden—

The Food Forest Extension—During the middle of August, my husband, David, helped me with the front garden edging. When the front is done, all bed edging will be complete. The edging was expensive, but I purchased four 8-sections over time to not kill my budget!

The Parterre

The Raspberry/Scuppernong

The River Bed

Native bees on Cutleaf coneflower, Rudbeckia laciniata., in the pollinator garden

The Pollinator Garden

The Blackberry Patch with Chimney Swift Tower

Rock Garden—

The North Side

The crape myrtle next to the Girl’s Garden is doing it’s annual shedding

The Girl’s Garden—It’s so sad. Remember the chick massacre? We one remained and three adults. The adults have still not welcomed that poor lonely baby into the flock.

The Wildlife Pond—

Have a Gardening Need? HIRE HELEN!

SNAKES: Wondering what snake is in your backyard? Click HERE for an easy id.


Until soon,



2023 August Garden Sustainable Stewardshi

Once a year, I tackle the big job of trimming the boxwood that surround major pathways. The cutting is easy. Picking up all the bits is a bear!


August, already!

July has never been my favorite month. I hated July; yes, I’m a hater; I used to hate July as much as January. In 2023, I managed to get through January just fine, and somehow, I managed July without any pain or setbacks! And this is on the heels of the global temperature recorded, the hottest temperature EVER. Could it be I’m growing as a gardener?

We had a good amount of rain in July, which is good and bad. Good because rain is often needed and bad because it washes away the rabbit deterrent. It has to be reapplied after each rain event. (I’m working on a piece for Triangle Gardener called War or Rabbits, Goodbye Rudbeckia!

It’s that time of year again! Time to design and begin filling the bed for the NC State Fair!

The beach is hot, but when it’s hot, it’s better at the beach! I brought in August walking the beach of Emerald Isla!

The Back 40 (ft) North to South. I need to do the annual trimming of the boxwood hedges. I have a few other things to do first, but I’ll get to it in August.

The Back 40 (ft) South to North

Overview. This pic is a good example of why it’s good to evaluate your garden through pictures. There is a crape myrtle limb hanging in front of the Garden House obstructing its view. The Garden House is the focal point here, not the trees.

Gazebo Corner—Petasites japonicus 'Variegatus' is happy this summer; an indication of getting enough rain. Don’t plant this. I have it in the perfect location where it is controlled. If planted in the wrong place, it is highly invasive and you will regret it!

The Epimedium Patch—noting again, how happy I am with using pine straw in the paths. Laying pine straw is so much easier than wood chips. As I move forward into less maintenance, this is paramount!

Detail in the Mixed Border!

Mixed Border South to North

Pepper found a rabbit nest in the Mixed Border. He was rescued, but not released in the garden.

Spring Ephemeral patch extension, formally The Wildflower Patch Extention—Not much to show.

Spring Ephemeral patch, formally The Wildflower Patch—Not much to show.

The Southside

As I was pruning the pyracantha on the south side of the Bee Better Naturally with Helen Yoest garden, I found this nest. I've yet to get a closer look, other than know the residents have moved on and that it is beautiful.

The Ostrich Fern Garden

The Front Fountain Garden

The Food Forest

Food Forest

The Food Forest Extension

The Parterre—I reseeded with more zinnia after the rabbits ate all the young seedlings. So sad.

I like the edging I added in the back so much, I’m adding it the front. The River Bed and Patarre already have, but now I’m adding it all around!

Here is an example of rabbit damage when they don’t even want to follow through. This zinnia was unscathed by rabbit damage when first growing. But one found, a rabbit decided to give it a taste. They cut it and left it alone, either because it was to woody or just to piss me off!

The River Bed, The Raspberry/Scuppernong

Chimney Swift Tower/Blackberries

The Blackberry Patch with Chimney Swift Tower. The Mexican sunflower, Tithonia spp., is truly my favorite annual. Could it because it is orange? Probably! Here is one of our native bees enjoying a sup.

Lots of Dutchman’s pipe activity going on.

The North Side

Rock Garden

The Girl’s Garden—It was a sad day for my family. While my husband, David, Pepper, and I were at the beach, there was a predator attack. We have deduced it was during the daytime since it was in the tunnel since if it was evening, they would have been tucked away safely in the coop. If anyone of us was home, we would have heard the commotion. We think it was a loose dog. We lost five the the six girls I was raising to replace the older girls what have reached the end of their wonderful life. So sad.

Detail of remaining girl.

Mixed Border North to South

The Wildlife Pond-I love the sound of the resident frog.

Pepperlicous resting at THE COTtAGE!

Have a Gardening Need? HIRE HELEN!

SNAKES: Wondering what snake is in your backyard? Click HERE for an easy id.


Until soon,



2023 July Garden Sustainable Stewardship

The Girl’s Garden.


Summer finally arrived on June 10th. It was bound to come, but I enjoyed the cool, wet spring. At least the garden had a good time while it lasted.

June was high maintenance, taking down the poppies, weeding, laying pine straw, and waiting for David to finish his “project’ redirecting water away from the back of the house. He tells me the channel he dug is finished; now he needs to build the soil up higher so water flows away from the house. There doesn’t seem to be any sense of urgency…except on my part. I, however, don’t plan to help with this in any way. I have too much to do as it is during the two weekends a month that I’m available. Or at least that is my story, and I’m sticking to it!

Cut back the old raspberry canes. For whatever reason, I’ve never done this task before. With the garden redesign being less maintenance, I have time now to do this needed task.

Back 40 (ft.). In this area, I allow the blue saliva, Salvia guaranitica, to grow, otherwise it is too invasive in other areas of the garden. Blue salvia is in the mint family, you will note the square stems, growing up to 5 feet in height and width. Native to Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina. It is a hummingbird and carpenter bee fave.

Back 40 (ft.) detail.

The Back 40 (ft) North to South—This bed is finally full. I’m sure I can squeeze something else in there, but the bed looks rich enough to stand alone.

The Back 40 (ft) South to North—Same

Gazebo Corner—the neighboring trees are blocking out light. We didn’t get any blooms from the Lady Banks Rose, and the Confederate jasmine is weak.

You can always tell when we need rain, the Petasites japonicus, wilts. I never water it and believe it keeps it in check. Otherwise, it will take over the world.

The Epimedium Patch—It’s hard to see the epimediums with voodoo lilies blocking them.

The Wildflower Patch Extension—Celandine Poppy, Stylophorum diphyllum, have done nicely this spring into early summer. This is given the rain has slowed. Grows best in rich, moist soil in the shade. Plants go dormant in early summer if the soil dries out. Will naturalize by self-seeding if growing conditions are favorable. Ants distribute seeds.

Mixed Border—South to NorthI’

Spring Ephemeral patch, formally The Wildflower Patch—I’m refocusing this area right off the back patio. While I one referred to the wildflower patch, it’s really about spring ephemerals. Same with the extension.

The South Side—Shy Pepper on the South Side. Note, the mosquito trap on the left of pic.

First crop of ‘Brown Turkey’ fig forming.

LSU fig forming

The Ostrich Fern Garden—This bed looks good, but I could use a few more plants. My hesitancy to add any more is the magnolia tree. One day, it will be removed. I thought it would have been sooner than later. I’m not sure the ferns can take the added sun when it goes. I need to wait on this.

The Front Fountain Garden

Everything is looking good. The rosemary has white flies; as I was preparing to treat them with Neem oil, I cut them back severely. I should have done this all along. Rosemary is a shrub. It can get big. You can’t tell from the pic but there are three of them. It looks like I could cut back some more!

I put in a ‘Red Haven’ peach a few years ago. It never occurred to me I would get a crop, assuming the wildlife would wipe me out or get some disease. I’m unsure how tasty they will be, but I looked forward to finding out, until the squirrels got them all!

Scratched the front bed. It could use some composted leaf mulch.

As I look at the picture, it is clear I need to put in edging.

The Food Forest Extension—The other blueberry bushes I added are doing well.

The Parterre—The zinnias are coming up nicely. Went I returned from the beach on 6/20, they were all eaten to the ground—RABBITS! I added more seed and sprayed. I had heard of friends who lost their zinnias to rabbits, but this was the first time for me…there is always a first!

With the old canes removed, the ones that gave me the first of the year’s crop, it will be easier to figure out a trellis system. (Old canes are the darkened ones.)

The Raspberry/Succernongs—Still treating for aphids on the grapes, and as I mentioned above, the raspberries have been groomed.

The River Bed—Weeded and edged with fresh pine straw. This is my first year using pine straw, and I have to say, it’s not half bad!

Blackberry trellis behind Perennial Garden. Coloring up! I was able to start harvesting on the summer solace, albeit only a few.

Cardoon, Cynara cardunculus, blooming in the Pollinator Garden. Cardoon is a kind of thistle, closely related to the artichoke

Butterfly weed, Asclepias tuberosa growing throughout the Bee Better Teaching Garden.

The Pollinator Garden—Weeded, watered, added five coreopsis ‘Redshift’, a cup plant, Silphium perfoliatum, and three Verbascum chaixii. I’m having issues with Pepper knocking over the birdbath. It would appear the chipmunks run under there to escape being chased. I really like this birdbath, and it will not be able to be replaced. I found it on a garden tour near Charlottesville, VA. It’s terracotta, and I’ve never seen anything like it before. I really like it.

The Blackberry Patch with Chimney Swift Tower—Interesting pic, right? Note the butterfly bush. I didn’t plant it. This is probably the straight species that volunteered in my garden. When purchasing one, if you do, look for one of the near-sterile species, mostly developed by Dr. Dennis (Denny) Werner.

The North Side

Rock Garden—Weeded and dead-headed, Rose Campion, Lychnis coronaria, I also removed a lot of them. I like this plant to a point; then I can’t take anymore. It gets ratty in a heartbeat! TheRock Garden was infested with lemon balm. I’m not sure how it got there, but it’s gone now!

The Girl’s Garden—We are down to three adults. Poor girls are aging out. The good news, after 2.5 months, all the girls can be in the same run, still separated at opposite ends, but at least they are getting to know each other!

Mixed Border—North to South

The Wildlife Pond—Something got in it and knocked down all the plants. I may or may not get in there to do something about it.

Have A Gardening Need? HIRE HELEN!

SNAKES: Wondering what snake is in your backyard? Click HERE for an easy id.


Until soon,



What was your BIGGEST gardening mistake?

I was weeding my BIGGEST gardening mistake, one of them anyway; I wondered what the mistakes were of my friends. Thank you, Facebook. I reached out to my friends, all great gardeners!!

Here are some of the gardening mistakes of my friends. Mine is last but not least.


Thanks to all who participated!

Cheryl McMillan

Zone 5b—Bringing in plants that I didn’t know were invasive, such as Himalayan Impatiens. Star of Bethlehem and Lily of the Valley. And I grew Grandpa Ott’s morning glory one year and pulled for a few years.

Stephanie Petersen

Zone 5—Planting Grandpa Ott’s morning glory along the trellis beside my vegetable garden. It was beautiful the first year! The 2nd year my entire 30 x 30 garden sprouted morning glories in early May (just before warm crop planting here), and they still pop up every year. That was 22 years ago!!

(NOTE: I’d never heard of Granda Oatt before; when Cheryl wrote about it, I assumed, it was her grandma! When Stephanie wrote about it, I wised up! What would have been the chances they each had a relative named Ott? And after reading these two accounts, I’m glad I never gave it a try!)

Tom Eastman’s pond garden!

Tom Eastman

Zone 8b—Planting a single Colocasia at the edge of our Koi pond.

Mary Collins

...moving to South Florida. Ha, ha!

Denise Tally

Not managing the critters - vole damage found by lopsided newly planted azaleas

Wait?!? I didn’t know they were manageable :)

Derek Areson Haynes

Zone 7—trusting squirrels not to eff over my garden.

(NOTE; I know Derek; he is a scientist! It just shows we can’t always get what we wish for!)

Mitzi Martin Evans

Zone 7a—Rockingham Co— Spreading myself too thin. Having too many garden projects going at one time. Finally learning (at 62 yo) to complete one area of my yard before moving to the next phase.

Theresa Schrum

Zone 3b—south/central MT—Thinking deer wouldn't venture onto the front deck to get my plants.

Carolyn Stallings

Zone xx—Planting several pieces of Wisteria… supposedly white…one died…never a bloom, but still trying to remove it 20 years later!

Don Sawhill

Zone 7b—Trying to do too much and then getting discouraged when it doesn’t go as well as planned. Now, I try to focus on a few things and do them well.

Crystal Trojek

Zone 6. St..Thomas, Ontario, Canada—My biggest mistake for the last twenty years was believing all the people who told me it's too hard to grow roses, forget about them, they don't winter over, they get blackspot, it's hard to prune them, they just won't grow here. a) I should have listened to my British ancestors sooner, and b) a couple of garden mentors twice my age; they know more than Google ever will.

Pam Chance

Zone 7b—Planted two Star Magnolias too close to the house, and they shade the foundation planting of gardenia radicans. I wish I had staggered them forward. I'm watching Martha Stewart. I have never raised chickens. She is planting gourds to grow up their coup to shade her ladies from the summer sun.
Marte Hult

Zone 4. (but maybe 5, by. now)—My Biggest mistake was using landscape rock for mulch on my path to the gazebo. Weeding rock is not fun! Zone four (but maybe five by now)
Kathryn Hall

Zone —Not anticipating how big a plant was going to get!

Billie Zimmermann

Zone 7a or 6. Depending on the year….Planting a number of thugs, invasive species, and then the joy of digging and sifting out the roots over and over again. Sigh.

Mary Lou

Zone 5a—Not being careful enough about moving plants from an area inundated with reverted Bishop’s Gout Weed (there before us) to other areas of the garden, thereby spreading the devil’s spawn to other areas.

Deborah Loosman West

Zone 8—I planted a passionflower vine in a shade garden area & have been pulling up passionflower vines all over the area ever since. The blooms are unusual & beautiful & the plant is a host plant for gulf fritillaries, but they do like to spread & pop up everywhere.

Maureen Hammond

Zone 7b—Planting Tetrapanax, pinellia, and Clerodendrum bungei..

Linda Watson

Zone 7b. —My biggest mistake was planting and encouraging vines. My former neighbor’s biggest mistake was planting ivy for erosion control right up to the property line, which the ivy ignored. Even though I started getting rid of wisteria, greenbriar, and ivy when I first moved here, I let Virginia creeper, vinca, and sweet autumn clematis spread. I stopped using Roundup, so keeping these creepers from taking over the garden takes lot of time and effort. Here’s my blog:

I am leaving quite a bit of the native and beautiful Virginia Creeper. My biggest garden realization was the joy and contribution of supporting wildlife by growing native plants and providing water. I’ve been gardening here since 1989, but in a way started over about five years ago. It wasn’t a mistake exactly to put in so many unusual, nonnative plants, but I don’t have the settled, mature garden of my dreams now as I’d hoped. More adventure lies ahead!

Looking forward to more insights!

April Bayne

Zone xx—Planting ornamental knotweed and Bishop’s Hat in my garden.

Gojiberry, Lycium barbarum,

As for me, I planted a Gojiberry, Lycium barbarum, in my food forest. I’m in Zone 7b. Plants have very vigorous roots that spread aggressively into nearby soil. Native to China, Goji berry is invasive in my area, and from no lack of trying, I can’t seem to get rid of it. It would appear the roots are trying to return to their Motherland! I’ll get my antioxidants elsewhere; thank you very much!

2023 June Garden Sustainable Stewardship Practices for the Southeast

Welcome to June, friends! June is better since I made it through May, the season of green. That sounds strange, even for me. The weather during the first part of the month was some of the best I’ve experienced in my 30 years living in Raleigh, North Carolina, and the last week some of the hottest.

Pipevine Swallowtails & Host Plant Dutchman’s Pipe, Aristolochia fimbriata

My good friend, Abby, introduced me to the pipevine swallowtail, also known as the blue swallowtail, Battus philenor. The pipevine swallowtail is blue, as are several other butterflies, which makes it confusing to identify. The easiest way to know you have spotted a pipevine swallowtail is how they move their wings. This movement is distinctly faster than that of the other blue butterflies. 


It’s better to refer to this blue beauty as pipevine swallow since its only host plant is the Dutchman’s pipevine, those plants in the Aristolochia family. 


The dorsal wings of an adult male are black with vibrant iridescence on the hind wings. As is in nature, the female radiance is duller in appearance. Bright orange spots are visible on the back end of the ventral wings.

Immediately after emerging from the chrysalis, adult butterflies spend time near the pupa case and drying their wings and removing pupal waste products from their bodies. These newly emerged butterflies are at their most vulnerable state at this time.

Black with iridescent-blue hind-wings swallowtails are found mainly in forest or wooded properties. Abby has dozens of pipevine swallowtails in her yard, and yes, her lot is wooded. In the Joslin Garden, we also have a heavily wooded area with lots of pipevine swallowtails. Yet, I also have them in my garden area, primarily in open spaces. So you, too, can attract these blue jewels.

The adults feed on the nectar of various flowers, typically flat forms, so the adult can easily alight the plant to sup.


Female adult pipevine butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves of host plants in clusters along the foliage stem. Egg colors can vary from red to orange. The eggs appear bumpy since they are covered with a firm and nourishing excretion forming large beads. 

The larvae hatch after a few weeks. Once hatched, they eat the remnants of the egg from which they emerged.


Larvae spend almost all their time eating the leaves off their host plants, Dutchman’s pipevine. Once they remove edible matter from one plant, they move to the next one. And if ever you have watched them move, they are fast! They initially eat in groups, but as food sources deplete, they become more solitary as they search for fresh host plants.

Like the monarch butterfly, the pipevine swallowtail is known for sequestering acids from its host plant. This is a defense mechanism to defend themselves from predators by being poisonous when consumed. Critters have evolved to leave them alone.


The pipevine swallowtail chrysalis (pupae) are colored green or brown. These pupae differ from other swallowtail butterfly chrysalis. The sides of their pupae bodies widen into a winged appearance, with distinctive purplish edges along the sides of these extensions.

Pipevine swallowtail pupation takes place many feet off the ground on tree trunks or other suitable spots. Pupation is rare on green surfaces. Pupation begins when the larva releases silk to form a support structure so that the chrysalis can hang safely. 

What’s interesting to observe is before emerging as an adult, the wing markings of the butterfly can be seen through the chrysalis.

If you want these visitors to your garden, plant nectar-rich plants where the adults can easily land. If you want residents in your garden, also plant their host plant, Dutchman’s pipevine!

Until soon,

Naturally, Helen

2023 May Garden Sustainable Maintenance


April showers bring May mosquitoes. Here’s what you need to do!

Slow down, Sally! Time is going by waaayyyy too fast. I don’t want spring to be over! Yes, I know it doesn't officially end until June 21st, but summer can begin as soon as our last frost in Raleigh. While we continue to have yoyo weather, hot than cold, I prefer that to a continuous wave of heat that the summer will bring. I’m still getting plants in!!! But I’m ready for all my pollinator friends to arrive. Nothing warms my heart more than watching a butterfly alight to sup the nectar from a nectar-rich flower.

The mailbox



Click HERE to learn more about the pipevine swallowtail and its host plant!

I've added the Back 40 (ft) North to South here. It wasn’t my intent, but as plants become available, I’m adding more. I need to be careful because this is a Xeric zone. Left over from the Joslin Garden plant sale, I added two unnamed azaleas and a Japanese roof iris. The variegated money plant, Lunaria annua, is looking good.

The Back 40 (ft) South to North—I’ll soon need to trim the boxwood hedges that allow me to stay neat and tidy while going wild behind!

Gazebo Corner—A Lady Banks rose, Rosa banksiae, grows over the gazebo. David is still working on cutting down trees, and who knows, maybe he will get a tree service to get the pine trees down. He likes to take his time in decision-making. First, he says, we are going to remove certain trees. Then put tags on the ones to be removed, and then maybe he will call to get the work done. It’s been about six months now, Ha!

Amorphophallus konjac

The Epimedium Patch—With new plantings last month, this bed is finally making a show. The bed also has voodoo lilies, Amorphophallus konjac.

The Wildflower Patch Extension—I added several more anemones. Not sure of the variety, but I will once they bloom.

Trillium cuneatum

The Wildflower Patch—The trillium did wonderfully this year, multiplying from last year. I hope to see even more next year! True confession this is not my patch; instead, it’s one of many in the Joslin Garden. Again, I can dream…

The Southside—Thankfully, the hardy kiwi is gone. It was a hot mess. As I continue to streamline the Bee Better Teaching garden so I can spend more time at the beach, knowing this beast is gone helps. I didn’t like the fruit that much anyway!

The Ostrich Fern Garden—My fledgling fern ben is coming along. My fern bed will look as good as the Joslin Garden’s patch one day!

The Front Fountain Garden—I’m waiting for the perfect light to get a photo.

The Blackberry Patch with Chimney Swift Tower—My friend, Nathalie, helped me in the garden to trellis the blackberries and dig a trench to bury the drain sprout. It has been a constant problem since chipmunks go up them to get away from Pepper, and they is long gone while Pepper spends the next 45 minutes barking and chewing the pipe to get to the long-gone rodent.

Poppies in the Food Forest

The Food Forest Extension—The blueberries are thriving now that I took out the crape myrtle. Everything looks better with it gone!

The Parterre—Looking so colorful!

Rock Garden—

The Raspberry Patch/Muscadine Vine—Remember last month when my friend, Don, re-directed the muscadine vine? It’s doing beautifully. now.

The River Bed—Allium schubertii blooming.

I also save the stalks!

The Pollinator Garden—The Blackberry trellis is working out fine.

The North Side

The Rock Garden—

The Girl’s Garden—Not much changed. The six new girls are doing fine and getting bigger. Still not ready to be introduced into the coop.

The Wildlife Pond—I STILL need to add more rock. I really did a bad job designing this.

Mixed Border, North to South—

Mixed Border, South to North.



Until soon,



How I Became a Sustainable Gardening Advocate

Sitting on the back porch in the late afternoon of an early summer day, I watch the goldfinch alight the seed heads of the black-eyed Susans. (I can put Latin names, if necessary. I find most of my editors take them out.)

Did you know the goldfinch is one of the few birds that feed their broods a 100 % vegetation diet? As such, females delay nesting until seeds become available. Most birds feed their young soft-body insects and can begin feathering their nest much earlier.

I can sit and enjoy the garden since I’ve designed my garden for pleasure and function, not intense labor. It’s doable. You can have everything you hoped to have from your plot of land, even a small lot, through sustainable design.

Over the years, I've talked with many gardeners. I often ask, “How did you get into gardening?” Most often, the answer is that a parent or grandparent inspired them. I wanted to know if anyone ever considered garden-making on their own. For me? It was Nature. While my Dad had a vegetable garden that I helped with, it was more about discovering for me, and when you grow the same plants year after year, the lesson is learned. I strive for growth.


When I was seven, my family moved from Chincoteague, VA, to Norfolk, VA. Across the street was a field, and through that field was my elementary school. I walked to school each day through a path I cut, about 1/2 mile long. Even at seven, I knew there would be a better way than to walk around.

It took most of the summer to cut the path since the field was filled with cattails. So full of plant life you couldn’t easily walkthrough! I first had to cut down the cattails back with a machete, then mow high, then low. The real work came when I walked the path at least twice each day to give it some wear. This was the only summer I wore shoes, and only when I was stomping my way through. Soon, I got all the neighbor kids to walk with me. 

Funny thing, we cut through the grass between two neighbors’ yards to reach the path. No one seemed to mind, even during the school year when 20 or so used the path to school. What started as a shortcut became an adventure to learn what else was on the other side.

As a lifelong nature lover, I was never bored. Then and now, I would rather be outside than in. I studied the cattails at each stage of its life. I was also fascinated with the flowering plants mixed within. And then there were all the beetles and bugs visiting these flowers. I'm sure there were snakes, too, but I have never been afraid of them. I stayed away, and so did they. To this day, I've never been bitten, but I expect to someday. It is just part of the great outdoors. 

Over the years, my life and the environment were one. I can't separate the two. When it came time to go to college, I knew I would do work to protect the environment, and I did. First, I received an undergraduate degree in environmental health and science; I wanted more, so I got a master's in environmental engineering and science. Even still, I'm a lifelong learner. 

One day, I knew I would create a garden that could sustain itself as if Nature took her pen and sketched the picture. In doing so, I found that my family and I could enjoy the garden much more since the garden wasn’t a labor burden but a bearer of life to be appreciated. When you let Nature guide you, you can't go wrong.

In 1997, my husband and I, with our then one-year-old child (later having two more), and working full-time, I knew I wanted what of thought of as an “important garden.”  With a toddler underfoot, I studied our 1/2 lot in Raleigh, NC, to make it sustainable. After an illustrious career as an air pollution engineer, I started a garden maintenance business when my first child was three. My goal was to work with clients to make their gardens sustainable.

Sustainable gardening wasn't a catchphrase during those years. Sustainable gardening has become the buzzword today, encompassing green, organic, and waterwise gardening practices. A sustainable garden has these aspects, but there is so much more. 

Only recently do many understand the concept, and most still need to learn what it means to have a sustainable garden. 

Gardening sustainably isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition. You can begin with one practice and build from there. What’s important is to be aware of what practices you perform and think about them before you continue with business as usual. It is also good to understand the available options and gradually add more. You will save time and money through sustainable gardening, leaving you time to sit, relax, and watch the wildlife.

Simply put, sustainable gardening is the practice of conserving an ecological balance by avoiding the depletion of natural resources. A garden that can sustain itself and the life within!

Do you wonder what I found on the other side of the field that summer? There was a small tributary from the Chesapeake Bay, where I found life sustained. The scrub tree-covered creek find was our hideout, classroom, and food source since we learned what berries we could eat. We learned about the flowers, the bugs, the frogs, and where one can go to find peace of mind. Nature, using her own devices, is sustainable. A sustainable garden is creating a replica of Nature with the resources we have at hand.

2023 April Garden Sustainable Maintenance Practices for the Southeast

Now we’re talking!!! April is when we can finally plant annuals and summer veggies!

A year ago, Bee Better Naturally with Helen Yoest launched our first on-line mini course on Earth Day, April 22nd. Our first course is entitled, How You Can Help The Monarch Butterfly. Specifically, the course teaches and encourages you to grow more milkweed and how to raise eggs to adult Monarchs! To register, click HERE!

2023 March Garden Sustainable Stewardship Practices for the Southeast

I’ve been busy in the garden during February. Freshening up is how I would put it. As you saw last month, I added new rock to the Rock Garden, and I also added it to the gazebo. It’s been a long time. I also need to do the Southside path. I need to look for some energy before I can make that happen. I agreed to do an open garden for the Rock Garden Society. I’m not doing this rock fresh for that, but it will add value during the opening.

All this freshening up continues through March. My goal is to have all freshening up chores done by April 1st.


1) Fix gate in the Back 40(ft.) —I learned BBN’s perspective Eagle Scout his troop will fix the gate while the Air Bee N Bee is being installed.

2) Rid all fig buttercup, Ficaria verna. I’ve been going after it since it arrived about four years ago. I have been doing this weekly, through February even, to rid it as soon as it shows a glossy, round leave.

3) Cleaned up the Southside. I cleared out shrubs that were there to make room for the Air Bee N Bee my prospective Eagle Scout, Leo, will make for his project. It’s also a better view for the cameras. I’m happy with how it looks!

4) Trimmed back Lady Banks rose. Cleaned up the Corner Garden in general.

5) Reduced the number of ‘Black and Blue’ salvia near the pond.

6) Added composted leaf mulch from the City of Raleigh to that area.

7) Removed blackberries and arum from the south side to pot up for the plant sale in April.

8) Put up cranberry viburnum, Viburnum trilobum, for the plant sale in April.

9) Moved a holly from one area in the Southside to another but in the same area.

10) Cut back boxwood hedge. I do this annually. Rack up clippings and put them in yard waste bags.

Front- Takes right at one hour, and 4-yard waste bags.

Side - Takes 20 minutes, and 1.5—yard waste bags.


11) Level and lift the rest of the stepping stones.

2023 February Garden Sustainable Stewardship Practices for the South



I’m indifferent about February. January offers the gift of new beginnings and, gradually, more light. I like that, even though January is my worse month of the year. I’m always glad when it is over; as I grow older, I can handle it more and more easily. this is good. Now we have February. Besides Valentines Day and the Fearrington Folk Art show, my other liking for her is that she will bring me March.

I’ve transplanted anything needing so; all the bulbs are in, Poppies are sown, and fresh garden bed edges dug. So now I am waiting. Yes, that’s it! I wait and perhaps rest up for March to begin the burst tree blooms she never fails to bring.

Enjoyed visiting with Dick Tyler of Pine Knot Hellebore Farm. It was good to see old friends. I also met Bryan Byers who was just recently named the new owner. Bryan was a student of Dick’s daughter, Helen Kraus. It turns out, Dick gifted the Farm to Bryan, who had been working there since graduating. Yes, Dick is that kind of kind person.

Bobby Ward with Dick Tyler at the Pine Knot Hellebore Farm.

With the warm weather, weeds have also arrived. Be on the lookout for those horrible weeds: lesser celandine:

Hellebore foliage was cut back to feature flowers. New edges were dug around the “soccer field;" this is a big job, but well worth it.

Within two weeks of the cold snap that flattened, and turned my acanthus to a melted mush, hope springs eternal!

The Back 40 (ft) North to South—It was overdue but glad I finally got around to recutting the bed edges. I toiled with adding Colmet steal edges, like I did in the River Bed, but decided against it. There really isn’t a need. I can keep up with these straight edges. Unlike the River Bed, with its curvilinear shape, I couldn’t keep pace with the Zoysia encroachment, or at least not with the shape.

The Back 40 (ft) South to North

Ruscus aculeatus 'Wheeler's Variety'. I’ve had it in this shady location for at least 20 years. Very slow growing, but I have a nice stand now.

Gazebo Corner—I’ll wait until after the Confederate jasmine, Trachelospermum jasminoides blooms before I trim it back.

The Epimedium Patch

The Wildflower Patch Extension

Galanthus and cyclamen

The Wildflower Patch—Galanthus are blooming!

The Southside

The Ostrich Fern Garden—It doesn’t look like much now, but wait til spring!

The Front Fountain Garden—I found a source for more Japanese fishing floats. I love the look. the little floats became bubbles around the rock edge. I have two more I want to add.

The Food Forest

The Food Forest Extension

The Parterre—The iris were hit hard by the Christmas weekend cold blase, They should be fine, but I cut back the yellowed foliage.

The Raspberry Patch/Muscadine/River bed—I finally completed the metal edging around the River Bed. The goal is to keep the curve. I was lost many times over the years. It took me forever to make the decision to add this. It turned out so well; I wonder what I was worried about!

The Pollinator Garden

The Blackberry Patch

The Entrance Garden

The North Side

Rock Garden

The Girl’s Garden

The Wildlife Pond

Mixed Border, North to South. Prunus mume ‘Bridal Vail’

Mixed Border, South to North.





Until soon,



2023 January Garden Sustainable Maintenance Practices for the Southeast

Happy New Year! Welcome to January, Friends! A fresh start!! That is what January is to me. January is also my month of darkness, so I wail for February when I can noticeable see the days get longer. In January, I write. I plan. I think. January can be so refreshing and welcoming. I also do gardening projects; you know, those that I’ve been putting off for slower days. I end up with so many of these that January AND February can be very busy. I like being busy!

BLACKBERRIES, Rubus fruticosus 'Apache' PP11865—Kind, Care, Culture, and Comment

Welcome to my Food Forest, where I grow several fruits in the Bee Better Teaching Garden. Information in this fruit series is based on the knowledge I’ve gained growing in hardiness zone 7b, Raleigh, North Carolina. Helen Yoest


Latin Name: Rubus fruticosus 'Apache' PP11865

Common Name: ‘Apache’ Blackberry

Type: Bramble

Height: 5 to 8 feet; pinched back to keep height to five feet and branching

Spread: 4 to 8 feet; kept with a range of a two-foot wide trellis system

Pollination: ‘Apache’ cultivar is self-pollinating.

Fruit Health Benefits: They're packed with vitamin C. Just one cup of raw blackberries has 30.2 milligrams of vitamin C. ...

  • They're high in fiber. Most people don't get enough fiber in their diet

  • Great source of vitamin K

  • High in manganese

  • May boost brain health

  • Helps support oral health

Wildlife Benefits: Black bears, foxes, coyotes, raccoons, opossums, voles, and mice readily consume berries. Gamebirds, songbirds, and woodpeckers all feed on the berries.

Origin of species: North America, but blackberries are native to several continents, including Asia, Europe, and South America.

Cultivars: ‘Apache,’ is an erect, early harvest, thornless, medium size, somewhat irregular shape. This post is specific to ‘Apache’.

Culture Information:

Sun: Full sun

Water: Medium, well-drained soils. If soil conditions aren’t ideal. plant in a raised bed. Grows well in 5-gallon buckets.

Zone: 5 to 9

Years to bear fruit: 2nd year

Harvest Time: June


Plant: Prepare an easy-to-access location for your blackberries a year before planting. Blackberries need full sun and plenty of room to grow. The soil should be a well-drained sandy loam; otherwise amend with organic matter or grow in raised beds.

Fertilizer/pH: 5.5 to 6.5.

Mulch: Mulch heavily with organic matter, particularly under non-irrigated conditions.

Groom/Prune: Once the canes have reached the trellis top wire, remove the tips to encourage branching. After the fruit is harvested, prune out fruiting canes, they will not fruit again.

Pest/Disease Control: I’ve never experienced any pest or disease, but they could be affected by:

Anthracnose Elsinoe veneta.

  • Blackberry rosette (Double blossom) Cercosporella rubi.

  • Botrytis fruit rot Botrytis cinerea.

  • Cane and Leaf Rust Kuehneola uredinis.

  • Orange rust Gymnoconia peckiana.

  • Powdery mildew Podosphaera macularis.

Propagation: Through leafy stem cuttings as well as root cuttings.


If. you ever see a car or two pulled over the side of the road and people picking something, it’s likely blackberries. You might even see me around Raleigh doing the same.

Wild blackberries are highly variable depending on their genetic strain and growing conditions. It doesn’t get any better than finally finding a good patch or growing your own.

Brambles such as blackberries and raspberries Rubus pedals and Rubus idaeus respectively, as well as hybrids, including loganberry and boysenberry, are also considered cane fruits since they are commonly grown with supports such as wines and canes. The black raspberry, Rubus occidentalis, grows in disturbed areas especially margins of woodlands, ravines, fields and thickets. Very similar to the blackberry and just as tasty.

Check out this LINK for more information on other types of blackberries and how their care.

In November 2022, I redid one of my blackberry beds. What I thought was a great location, between the guava, next to the house, had all the right conditions—soil type, sun, and close to a water source. As they matured, they grew to close to the house and I was only able to access fruit from one side of the trellis.

At the time, I used a one row trellis where I attached the vine to the wires. For the renovation, I put in a double trellis system, two parallel rows about two-feet apart. The canes are planted in the middle of this trellis system.

Blackberries are easy to transplant so I wasn’t worried about not having success.

The Fire Garden

I’ve often wondered if the childhood memory of the image of my Polish grandfather sitting out back of his Riverside, NJ home, near the grapevine by the shed that had a coffee grinder on the far wall, touched me to the point of reliving any outdoor scene where food was involved. I can picture him sitting in a chair, legs crossed, just staring at the ground. He was in his eighties. To him, it was a matter of just being outside. Not cooking out. Not kicking a ball with the kids. Not gardening, even, but enjoying the outdoor space just by sitting under the canopy of a shade tree.

Since my grandfather’s time, I’ve associated this type of behavior with people from countries other than America. Of course, Americans sit outside, but not like in the manner of people from other countries. We tend to have a distinct indoor and outdoor flair. While we like to bring the outdoors in, for the most part, we aren’t as comfortable bringing the indoors out.

Some of my favorite movie scenes are of Europeans eating outside. A table would be pulled from the kitchen with a simple tablecloth to cover it, slightly off-kilter, and everyday china and crystal on the tabletop. A rug might even be brought out along with candles and music and books and wine. If the weather was right, time was spent outdoors. It didn’t even have to be during the evening; it could be any meal, any time. In my book, this is living.

When we built the back porch, I envisioned taking every meal outside. It turns out I am the only one in the family that really likes to do this. It’s lonely out there.

Years later, something interesting happened. As the time came to take down the kids’ playground and later put up the chicken coop, I noticed something that I never expected. The Crape Myrtles I planted to frame that area had matured to a fine state, as did the red Maple. This development caught me off guard.

I planned the placement of those trees with other perspectives in mind, not for the sake of the playground but from the view of the back porch. So when I stepped in the footprint of the former play set, I realized there was a new space. I’m not sure I could have planned it so well, and I’m also not sure I would have thought I needed to.

The new space is in the ell of the chicken coop and the garden house, shaded by mature trees. It now sports three chairs and a fire pit. Only had three chairs because that is what I had on hand. See, I didn’t go out and buy anything for this new space. I just pulled from other areas of the garden. If friends come over and I need more chairs, I can bring those from inside the house. This space is completely private. I knew it was a special place the first time I saw it all coming together.

Recently a garden photographer from Scotland was visiting. The first night we had dinner and a conversation on the back porch. The next night, we had dinner on the porch, but then we took our conversation to the fire. The evening was magical. There is no other way to describe it. A fire adds so much mystery to a room, a space, or an area.

My pit is crude, nothing fancy like Americans like, making something for the outside to look like something we have on the inside. Instead, it’s just made from a makeshift large copper tray sitting on top of some found rock. It is nothing short of perfection to me.

Now I’m one of those who sits outside, with my legs crossed, looking down at the ground, the fire, the chickens, or whatever else I fancy. It’s not an event. It’s just a place to pass the time, no different than sitting in a favorite armchair or couch to read or watch a movie. Instead, I sit outside because I prefer to read and watch my life instead of someone else’s. And my beloved Border Collie, Pepper, is always with me.

From September through May, on Sundays, my day in the garden, you’ll find me with a fire going. Join me some time. I’ll make the time to sit with you in this special place so you can see firsthand the magic of finding solace in the most unexpected places.
