2023 July Garden Sustainable Stewardship
Summer finally arrived on June 10th. It was bound to come, but I enjoyed the cool, wet spring. At least the garden had a good time while it lasted.
June was high maintenance, taking down the poppies, weeding, laying pine straw, and waiting for David to finish his “project’ redirecting water away from the back of the house. He tells me the channel he dug is finished; now he needs to build the soil up higher so water flows away from the house. There doesn’t seem to be any sense of urgency…except on my part. I, however, don’t plan to help with this in any way. I have too much to do as it is during the two weekends a month that I’m available. Or at least that is my story, and I’m sticking to it!
Cut back the old raspberry canes. For whatever reason, I’ve never done this task before. With the garden redesign being less maintenance, I have time now to do this needed task.
The Back 40 (ft) North to South—This bed is finally full. I’m sure I can squeeze something else in there, but the bed looks rich enough to stand alone.
The Back 40 (ft) South to North—Same
The Epimedium Patch—It’s hard to see the epimediums with voodoo lilies blocking them.
Spring Ephemeral patch, formally The Wildflower Patch—I’m refocusing this area right off the back patio. While I one referred to the wildflower patch, it’s really about spring ephemerals. Same with the extension.
The Ostrich Fern Garden—This bed looks good, but I could use a few more plants. My hesitancy to add any more is the magnolia tree. One day, it will be removed. I thought it would have been sooner than later. I’m not sure the ferns can take the added sun when it goes. I need to wait on this.
The Food Forest Extension—The other blueberry bushes I added are doing well.
The Parterre—The zinnias are coming up nicely. Went I returned from the beach on 6/20, they were all eaten to the ground—RABBITS! I added more seed and sprayed. I had heard of friends who lost their zinnias to rabbits, but this was the first time for me…there is always a first!
The Raspberry/Succernongs—Still treating for aphids on the grapes, and as I mentioned above, the raspberries have been groomed.
The River Bed—Weeded and edged with fresh pine straw. This is my first year using pine straw, and I have to say, it’s not half bad!
The Pollinator Garden—Weeded, watered, added five coreopsis ‘Redshift’, a cup plant, Silphium perfoliatum, and three Verbascum chaixii. I’m having issues with Pepper knocking over the birdbath. It would appear the chipmunks run under there to escape being chased. I really like this birdbath, and it will not be able to be replaced. I found it on a garden tour near Charlottesville, VA. It’s terracotta, and I’ve never seen anything like it before. I really like it.
The Girl’s Garden—We are down to three adults. Poor girls are aging out. The good news, after 2.5 months, all the girls can be in the same run, still separated at opposite ends, but at least they are getting to know each other!
Have A Gardening Need? HIRE HELEN!
SNAKES: Wondering what snake is in your backyard? Click HERE for an easy id.
Until soon,